Friday, April 30, 2010

Leyton is 4 years old and Nolan is 1!

I can't believe that Leyton is 4 and Nolan is 1, time is just flying by!! I never get to post, I work full time and spend all my time taking care my boys when I am not at work. I love it! They are getting so big. Leyton and Nolan got their well checks today and receive a total of 6 shots! Not fun! Grandma Irene was nice enough to join me so I could keep my sanity with two boys at the doctors office for almost 2 hours. Yikes. Both boys did great and are measuring in the 75th percentile.

Leyton loves all sports! Baseball being his favorite, and loves that his daddy is a baseball coach. He can spell his name, count to 50, always has a clever line for everything, knows all the songs on the radio (Lady Antebellum), and loves his baby brother!

Nolan is running all over the place. He has been battling ear infections the past month but I am hoping we are over them. I am really hoping to avoid ear tubes, but if we have to I know they make the world of difference since Leyton had to have them. Nolan is really starting to babble all kinds of things. He says uh oh, dada, mama, and bubu. Can patty cake, wave bye bye, and blows the sweetest kisses! He also wants to do everything his big brother is doing! Leyton is pretty good at going along with it. :)

Rhett is coaching at St. Michael's academy in Austin and they are in the first round of the playoffs tomorrow. Good Luck Crusaders!!! We are really looking forward to the summer and get to spend some time with family.

Since I don't know when the next time I will get to post, I hope everyone has an amazing summer! Enjoy the beautiful weather we are having!!!