Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My Boys

My Boys! Leyton 3 and Nolan 4 months

Where does the time go?!? Nolan turned 4months yesterday and Leyton will be 3 1/2 on the 25th! They are both doing great! Leyton loves his little brother, always wants to give him a big hug and kiss. Things have been pretty busy for the Riviere family. I started back to work on July 13th, Leyton went back to school and Nolan started daycare. Both of the boys do really well with daycare, we are lucky to have two great places that love our boys!

Leyton has been taking swim lessons at his school and playing 3 and 4 year old t-ball for the Round Rock YMCA. Daddy coached his team the Volcano's, I coached a couple of times when Rhett was out of town. T-ball is about the funniest thing, we had to tell them every time the ball was hit not to tackle each other! I will say it isn't an official t-ball game unless everyone on the team has cried! Leyton loves baseball and that is usually how he will introduce himself to anyone that will listen, I am a baseball boy! Our t-ball party is this weekend and we will hand out trophy's, should be fun.

Rhett and Leyton
Nolan is doing great and getting bigger everyday. I took him to the doctor last Friday and he weighs 16lbs 3 oz.!! He has started to really laugh, he thinks his daddy and big brother are hilarious! Leyton likes to run around and roll on the floor and Nolan just laughs and laughs! Love it! He likes his tummy time and is doing really well, he can roll from his tummy to his back (since about two weeks) but not quite from his back to his tummy. He is such a happy baby!

Football season is right around the corner, Texas has their first game on September 5th! It has taken me awhile to get excited about football season this year, just because I was so disappointed last year. But it is almost here and hopefully this will be a great year! Go Horns!



charmed i'm sure said...

awww - so cute!!! love y'all!!! xoxo!

Colby Ranae said...

love this! xx